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We are gradually pivoting to a technological era where computing power is the fuel of modern technology. Computer processing power is needed to fuel the ever growing and rising aspects of emerging technology. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, cloud computing and blockchain technology, just to mention a few STOBOX. It has become a commodity as demand for it keeps on growing. The world is changing so fast. Before the advent of blockchain technology, the entire global financial and investment system was centralized and non transparent. Blockchain technology is a pace setting technology which has emerged to sanitize the global financial and investment ecosystem


Stobox is a company that provides technology tools and consulting services for clients who want to transform their business. The solutions provided by Stobox, enabling clients to accelerate the digital transformation of their business. Stobox will streamline all operations with digital assets and tokenized securities. And clients don't need to worry about regulatory or government issues, because Stobox will cooperate with governments to create a clear regulatory framework for matters relating to digital assets, such as virtual assets, security tokens, payment tokens, etc.

Thanks to the solutions provided by Stobox, the company was awarded the "Asset Tokenization of the Year Award" at the AIBC Summit Award Ceremony. This is thanks to the hard work of the Stobox team which allows businesses to be able to transform their platform into a modern one with digital assets and tokenized securities. Clients just need to focus on their business, and Stobox will play its role as an assistant and adviser who will assist businesses in issuing and managing digital assets.

The Features

Stobox is a platform that provides technology tools and consulting services for clients who want to transform their business. Stobox will be a comprehensive ecosystem in terms of digital assets and tokenized securities. Users only need to focus on their platform, and Stobox will play its role as an assistant in issuing and managing digital assets, legal management, and tokenization / STO consulting.

The following are the features provided by Stobox:

Digital Securities Dashboard
  • A solution that allows users to tokenize their business, raise funds, reach investors globally, trade their shares, and many other things that can be done through this dashboard.
Digital Securities Swap
  • Allows users to swap their tokens.
Tokenization Consulting
  • Stobox is ready to partner with users in tokenizing their business. Stobox will provide technology tools as well as industry and legal expertise in the fields to assist users.
Legal Management
  • Stobox is ready to assist businesses to prepare all matters regarding legal for issuing and offering virtual assets.
Virtual Assets Consulting
  • Stobox is ready to become a consultant that will assist businesses in improving their customer relationships with virtual assets.
Crypto Exchange
  • A crypto exchange service with advanced technology, which allows users to trade their crypto in the fastest and most secure way.
Digital Investment Conference
  • Stobox will gather the brightest minds from the entire industry to help users find top investment opportunities and business cases.
Stobox NFT
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) is the future, and Stobox is proud to provide NFT tokens and be early adopters.

About The Stobox Token

Stobox launched 2 tokens which will later support the platform. These tokens are STBU and STBX. STBU is a utility token based on Ethereum's ERC-20. By owning this token, users can get various benefits provided by Stobox. STBX is a security token that will act as Stobox corporate share equity. By owning this token, the user is successful in getting equity and dividends. If you are interested in these two tokens, then you can get them through the token sale program organized by Stobox.

The following are details of these two tokens:

Ticker: STBU
  • Type: Utility
  • Total Supply: 100 000 000 STBU
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Market Cap: $ 3,317,913.00
  • Circulation Supply: 32,999,387.54 STBU
  • Price: $ 0.1002

Ticker: STBX
  • Class-B Share: Stobox Technologies Inc.
  • Tokenized Shares: Issued 10,000,000 STBX (100% of Total Equity)
  • Offered Supply: STO - 1,000,000 STBX (10% of Total Equity)
  • Investor Requirements: US Accredited, EU Professional & Public, Worldwide - Selective
  • Token holder Rights: Equity and Dividends
  • Regulation: Reg D, Rule 506 (c)
  • Reg S: EU Prospectus Regulation, Article 1 (3)
  • Minimum Investment: US Accredited: 25 000 USD, Other: 1000 USD
  • Lockup: US Accredited: 12 Months, Other: None

The Roadmap

Follow this link to check out the incredible roadmap of Stobox:

Meet The Amazing Team

For more information, please visit:

Bitcointalk Username: Ronggo Lawe
My ERC 20 Wallet: 


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